Raisins or Ratshit*?

Warning: This Halloween post contains some freaky shit. And swears. Due to the freaky shit. Am I a witch? Doubtful. I’m shitscared of spiders. Although… I am a cat person. I can only think of one weird thing that I do in the way of witchy superpowers and it’s really stupid and you won’t think it’s a superpower at all; sometimes…

Cross I’m Not Fit.

Disclaimers: Not sponsored, contains some naughty language, and might get slightly ranty. OMG am I writing a health/fitness/wellness post? Someone slap me in the face with a packet of Tim Tams. Don’t worry, it’s not that kind of post. I’m not trying to offer any wellness wisdom. I actually get sort of pissed off reading about other people’s health habits,…

Sneaky Little Getaway. (Flat Rock, NSW)

We finally went camping again! Just a short trip, down the coast near Ballina in New South Wales for a couple of nights. We timed it before the Easter holidays because campgrounds are better when they aren’t full and summer’s been over for a month already and we’d promised the boys our next camping trip wouldn’t be in the middle of winter again. On the…

My Secret Drawer.

It was Secret Drawer Week on Triple J brekkie this week. I loved it! People called in every day with tales of letters, poems and other touching testaments to teenage love dug out of drawers, shoeboxes, and the deepest hidden crevices of their hearts. Sometimes they were the crusher, other times the crushee, but they all had fond (eventually – after varying periods of acute…

Kids On A Plane: Tips for Travelling with Offspring.

We interrupt our irregularly scheduled blogging to bring you this important announcement: I’m going to my first ever blog “do” next week! It’s called ProBlogger and I am rather thrilled about it – I get to meet some bloggy heroes, gush with like-minded grownups about the joys of blogging, learn stuff that will help me to do it better (blogging), and…

Kodak Moments Part 1: Sticky Fingers.

Belaaaated Mum’s Day post. This time it was almost entirely not my fault as we changed internet providers and somehow ended up without any internet for over two weeks! On a positive side we’ve got the next month of access free. Yay!  For Father’s Day every year I make J a card with my favourite…

Proshumptuous Prosheedings.

On this very special Fool’s Day there’s a particular bunch of creative and inspiring idiots I want to tell you about. An oft-maligned and misunderstood subspecies of student named ‘Proshketeers’, they are said to inhabit the darkest corners of the University of Western Australia. Most of the time they look just like your average student, but it…

Thank Ye, Big Yin!

*** LANGUAGE WARNING LANGUAGE WARNING*** … seriously. I went to Billy Connolly’s High Horse show in Brisbane last Saturday night… I apologise to everybody in advance because this will be my sweariest post ever; really Mum you might want to miss this one. Or bits of it. At least until after the moving picture things gifs. Billy has often said that after…

Why I Love Dunedin, Part 1.

Flying into Dunners is like going home. The boys love the turbulence when we land (those gales remind me of where I grew up, although being straight off Antarctica they feel about 50C colder), we have great fun staying with family, and it’s by the ocean (also much bloody colder, but the same ocean really). It’s New Zealand’s oldest city yet…

Blog Hop!! …aka What Am I Doing Here, Episode II.

I wanted to do this post weeks ago but I’ve had heaps of stuff on. Heaps. Mostly going on blog tours and procrastinating on Facebook. But finally here’s MY blog tour! Er, welcome! I really do want to do it, but I’ve been putting it off because I can’t imagine anyone caring about my motivations or creative “process”…

Kids & Sport: Easy…Breezy.

Finn started his first after school activity last week; In2Cricket, a cricket program that runs for an hour a week for 7 weeks. He’s pretty keen; we play driveway cricket quite often, he’s got fantastic hand eye coordination (not from me) and is a great all-rounder. I’m looking forward to seeing him play sport as…

Hallowe’ek Late.

See what I did there? Except now it’s two weeks late because, as I previously mentioned, the PC shat itself. Here’s how this post started last week: In keeping with my usual impeccable timing and highly developed organising skills, here’s my Halloween post exactly seven days late. …A clear case of tempting fate. Anyway here’s…