All Melons Must Die.

**ANOTHER WARNING*** If you thought the bunny in my previous post was bad, you might not wanna stick around until the end of this post. You have been warned! The morning after All Hallow’s Eve I pulled down the cobwebs from the front door, rolled up the crime scene tape and packed away the treat buckets…

Birdie Buffet Food Fiiiiiight!

Growing up J had dogs on the family farm, we had cats and a budgie, and naturally we want the boys to also experience DOG BREATH, PUKED UP FURBALLS, BIRD SHIT IN YOUR HAIR the unconditional love of a pet. Both Finn and Rory love animals and pat other people’s whenever they’re allowed. Then without fail ask when we’re…

The Mountain, The Viper & The Sooky La-Las.

This post is one for you GoT fans out there. If you aren’t one, I won’t hold it against you, just sidle away quietly. That said if you are a Game of Thrones fan and are not up to date with all the TV episodes / have somehow managed to dodge all the spoilers for this…

Spiders And Geckos And Snakes…Oh My God.

It feels like we’re living in a zoo at the moment. I’m not having a go at the boys, who are mostly very well behaved and quite easy to live with. Despite endlessly dropping stuff on the floor, leaving doors open, losing things, screaming matches, the cycles of delaying tactics at dinnertime, bathtime, bedtime… if…

Incy Wincy & I Come To An Agreement.

You know how I might’ve intimated I’m a bit of an arachnophobe? Well a rather biggish huntsman appeared in the office a week or so ago, and has somehow still not ended up upside down on the floor with a broom through his head. I think I’m becoming more tolerant, you know, growing as a…