Nothing Says “Summer” Like A Maggot Rodeo!

Storm season started weeks ago – I’ve already told you about how lightning blew up one of our trees back in September – and it feels like summer’s cranking, even though it only just officially started today. We’ve already had a record October with temperatures in the mid 30s. (Celsius.) (ie around 95F.) (In the middle of spring!) When the mercury climbs in…

Fugly Faces.

nb “fugly” in this context means “FUNNY UGLY”, ok? One of the world’s best and funniest people, the writer Jenny Lawson, wrote a blog post yesterday about some shit she pulled at the Mom 2.0 Summit conference, and it was awesome. I KNOW RIGHT!?! That happens to me too! My arm just isn’t long enough to stop…

Things That Go Bump In The Night.

***WARNING AGAIN!! Especially for you, Justine. Freaky-ass kids alert.** Have your kids ever scared the crap outta you? Mine have. I don’t mean when they’re doing something dangerous and I’m fretting they’ll hurt themselves, or those times when they have hurt themselves and I’m terrified it’s serious – not that kind of scared. I mean that hackles-raising, cold-sweat-inducing, IS-THIS-MY-CHILD-OR-SOME-KIND-OF-DEMON-SPAWN…

Hilarious Or Horrifying? You Decide.

Warning: This post is funny as Hell… to me. You might find it funny (that’s why I’m sharing it), find it distinctly UNfunny (more likely) or even downright terrifying. I’ve been wanting to write a Halloween post but I don’t have any awesome spooky tales to tell, so this is just something that happened while I…

Incy Wincy & I Come To An Agreement.

You know how I might’ve intimated I’m a bit of an arachnophobe? Well a rather biggish huntsman appeared in the office a week or so ago, and has somehow still not ended up upside down on the floor with a broom through his head. I think I’m becoming more tolerant, you know, growing as a…