And in the Late, Late, Late, LATE News…

You might’ve noticed I haven’t been around much for the past two months or so. Although I did drag myself out of exile to do a post for Mosey’s birthday. I had to; she’s my sister! I couldn’t miss her birthday. …She knows where I live. It’s not that I haven’t had anything to say – there was too…

Nothing Says “Summer” Like A Maggot Rodeo!

Storm season started weeks ago – I’ve already told you about how lightning blew up one of our trees back in September – and it feels like summer’s cranking, even though it only just officially started today. We’ve already had a record October with temperatures in the mid 30s. (Celsius.) (ie around 95F.) (In the middle of spring!) When the mercury climbs in…

Thunderbird is GO!

Finn turned seven a couple of weeks ago, and all his little heart desired for his birthday was something he’d seen for less than 15 seconds in a TV ad more than two-and-a-half months ago. Someone give that ad agency a raise. No really. It was love at first sight, and he didn’t even know who they were. I …

The 40 Year Old Comic-Con Virgin.

Greetings, Earthlings… (I have filed this one under the category ‘Creative and/or Inspiring Yodas’ even though Yoda wasn’t actually at Oz Comic-Con this year.) At the start of the September school holidays Finn, Rory and I were very excited to attend Oz Comic-Con in Brisbane courtesy of Blue Planet PR. Thanks guys! All three of…

Holy Undies on the Outside Batman, A Geeky Giveaway!

***Update 6 October 2015: Yes the comp is closed, Oz Comic-Con was uh-may-zing (here’s my post), but hey… don’t leave! I would still love to hear about your awesome fandom in the comment section!***   Yes it is – my first ever giveaway, and I am SUPER excited! (See what I did there?) It’s not wine, or…

GNU Sir Terry.

The irreplaceable Sir Terry Pratchett passed away last week. As was completely appropriate for one of the world’s most prolific storytellers, the news was published on his twitter account as a three-parter. I can’t remember when I started reading him… I think I steered clear for ages because I thought his Discworld series was pure high fantasy, and high…

Indiana Jones & The Shitty 80’s Memorabilia.

Whilst in Ballarat (henceforth B’rat) we did some touristy stuff, caught up with rellies, chilled out, and also GOT SHIT DONE. As mentioned in my last post, the garden was Priority #1. Priority #2 was to sort out the random accumulated crap in the guest room wardrobe and drawers. I was curious as to what I’d find, but determined…

Island Time.

Island Time: The time vacuum created by the ocean’s presence. Similar to stoner’s time, everything moves nice and slow. Yup, that’s me. Ssslllooooowwww. Merry *belated* Christmas! Hope you had a great one, and built some kickarse sandcastles on the big day… or kickass snowmen, depending on your hemisphere. Or even just enjoyed some non-denominational time off. Peace! …

All Melons Must Die.

**ANOTHER WARNING*** If you thought the bunny in my previous post was bad, you might not wanna stick around until the end of this post. You have been warned! The morning after All Hallow’s Eve I pulled down the cobwebs from the front door, rolled up the crime scene tape and packed away the treat buckets…

Birdie Buffet Food Fiiiiiight!

Growing up J had dogs on the family farm, we had cats and a budgie, and naturally we want the boys to also experience DOG BREATH, PUKED UP FURBALLS, BIRD SHIT IN YOUR HAIR the unconditional love of a pet. Both Finn and Rory love animals and pat other people’s whenever they’re allowed. Then without fail ask when we’re…

The Mountain, The Viper & The Sooky La-Las.

This post is one for you GoT fans out there. If you aren’t one, I won’t hold it against you, just sidle away quietly. That said if you are a Game of Thrones fan and are not up to date with all the TV episodes / have somehow managed to dodge all the spoilers for this…