
It’s a good thing I’d decided against NaBloPoMo this year (which is “National Blog Posting Month” for those not in the know, where the challenge is to blog every day for the month of November, possibly while also growing a moustache) because our PC has shat itself.

i had however decided to post more often, at least at a greater frequency than once a month, in an attempt to stir some creative juices. I had my Halloween post all done – yes, a week late, but I had an angle on that – when our beloved 2008 model Dell whined, whirred, and showed me her blue screen monitor of death. Quite apt for Halloween really.

She had a great innings though so we are not sad. She got all our affairs in order before she went too – we were getting her not-so-subtle bluescreen errors and stubborn refusals to restart HINTS to back up for the past few weeks.

Test pattern

Anyway doing this post on the work iPad is a pain in the arse so I may wait until we get a new PC before I post again. Knowing J, he will be down at our nearest computer store before opening time tomorrow to pick out one with all the bells and whistles. and it might be a Mac … I’m a diehard PC fan. #whitegirlproblems

– Michelle



4 Comments Add yours

  1. Michelle says:

    Every time I see that acronym my brain can’t help changing it to NaBloPoMoFO.


  2. ekgo says:

    But, dude, really. Had you grown a moustache this month, you totally would have had something to blog about EVERY DAY! It would have been a no-brainer.
    “Dear Blog,
    My new facial hair has bloomed like mold upon a rusty apple corpse. It is now 3 mikrons long. ”
    DAILY POSTS just like that!
    Stupid computer.
    I really wanted that Halloween post. 😦


    1. Michelle says:

      Yup! That definitely sounds like a post I’d wanna read, but only if you wrote it. Were YOU considering growing a mo’ by any chance?


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